SUUStainability 2024: Rohlig SUUS Logistics has released a new ESG Report

Rohlig SUUS Logistics, the largest Polish logistics operator, has published its third ESG report. The document was developed based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The report summarizes 2023, a groundbreaking year for the operator in terms of refining and advancing a comprehensive approach to sustainability. During the reporting period, SUUS published its sustainability strategy, received approval for its decarbonization targets from the SBTi, and established and implemented a cross-functional ESG management structure.
The latest report presents data required by the ESRS standards for the period from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024. The two previous sustainability publications were prepared in accordance with GRI guidelines. This year's document is part of the company's preparation for reporting in compliance with the CSRD directive, which will apply to the operator in 2026. Nearly all company departments were involved in the creation of the SUUStainability 2024 report.
On the path to ESG excellence at its own pace
In line with the commitment made in previous years, the company continues to improve and expand the scope and quality of the data presented, modifies the method of calculating its carbon footprint, and develops the commitments outlined in its ESG strategy. The process also involves engaging companies in the CEE region.
Magdalena Lejman, Head of PR and ESG at Rohlig SUUS Logistics, says: "The financial year 2023, summarized in the report, was a pivotal year for the development of Rohlig SUUS Logistics' approach to sustainability. We published our ESG strategy, had our decarbonization targets approved by SBTi, and created and implemented a cross-functional ESG management structure. We want to be well-prepared for the reporting obligations under the CSRD directive, but managing ESG issues is not a race, it's a process. Our focus is on thoroughly understanding the regulations, preparing all teams for data collection, and consistently executing the planned actions."
The ESG transformation affects every aspect of business
Over the past 12 months, Rohlig SUUS Logistics has increased the percentage of electricity sourced from renewable energy to 39%. This energy transition is one of the goals outlined in the ESG strategy published in April of this year. In 2023, the company also achieved SQAS certification in road transport, receiving a score of 93%, which is significantly above the market average.
The company takes into account the opinions of its employees - 93% of the workforce participated in last year's Employee Opinion Survey. As a result of the survey analysis, the company implemented changes that employees had requested, including the expansion of the existing wellbeing program, "Stacja Dobrostan," which includes initiatives focused on mental health. The project has enjoyed tremendous interest from the start.
Katarzyna Różycka, Chief Financial Officer at Rohlig SUUS Logistics, says: "The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is not just about disclosing non-financial data. It serves as a concrete impetus for transforming the approach to doing business across the entire value chain. Our company is committed to carefully preparing for the upcoming changes. As a trusted partner, we prioritize the stability of our operations and want to show our clients that we are already knowledgeable and prepared for what the future holds."
The full version of the report is available for download here.