Smart gloves in ROHLIG SUUS Logistics' warehouse

At ROHLIG SUUS Logistics, innovation in logistics means delivering market-relevant solutions while enhancing operational efficiency through modern technologies. A prime example of this is contract logistics—currently the company’s fastest-growing business area—where new optimization tools are continuously tested and implemented.
Automation and process optimization using modern technologies are key priorities in today’s labor market. Innovative solutions are essential for streamlining workflows and reducing the time needed to complete individual tasks. One such solution is intelligent scanning gloves, which ROHLIG SUUS Logistics was the first logistics operator in Poland to introduce.
These gloves have been in use for several months at the ROHLIG SUUS Logistics warehouse in Gliwice, with plans to roll them out to additional locations. Warehouse employees have responded positively to the gloves, appreciating their lightweight, ergonomic design. The small scanning unit is attached to the back of the glove, allowing for complete freedom of movement. Scanning is activated by a simple touch of the thumb and index finger, significantly speeding up the process. Depending on the project, the gloves can save up to several hundred hours per year per item, assuming three shifts per day.
In Gliwice, the gloves have been integrated with system trolleys, enabling seamless wireless data transfer to the Warehouse Management System (WMS). These system trolleys are specifically designed for high-bay warehouses, navigating aisles just slightly wider than the trolley itself. They allow operators to retrieve goods from any shelf level with precision. Featuring automated navigation, the trolleys approach the designated location with the press of a single button, combining speed and accuracy to maximize efficiency.