In October last year, ROHLIG SUUS Logistics, as the first company in the TSL industry, together with the manufacturer - TENVIRK, started a pilot of a pioneering system for increasing employee safety and working time monitoring - Timate, based on smart cards. This innovative technology introduces an increased standard of quality and safety to the industry.


The project is coordinated with great support from the ROHLIG SUUS Logistics Development Department and a team of experts on the TENVIRK side, with the Katowice Branch serving as the pilot location.

The system utilizes two types of smart cards, designed to meet the specific needs of office and warehouse workers. Cards with large displays are intended for office employees, while those with smaller displays and reinforced casings are tailored for warehouse staff. These cards are integrated into a network spanning the office and warehouse, creating a unified system equipped with multiple advanced functions.

Real-Time, Automatic Work Time Measurement


Traditional methods of Time and Attendance Registration (RCP) often require manual handling, such as stamping cards at entry and exit points or documenting working hours in paper or electronic formats. The implemented Timate smart card system, however, automates work time tracking by registering attendance as soon as an employee enters the office or warehouse. Furthermore, its advanced panel and notification system streamline the coordination and optimization of human resources, enhancing overall efficiency.

Support and supervision over work safety in warehouses


Thanks to the installed sensors, the card can immediately alert appropriate people in the event of employee falls or accidents. This function directly improves the safety of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics employees, thus guaranteeing them greater comfort and care while performing daily duties.

Delegating and prioritizing tasks


New features will be launched soon. The employee will be able to, among others to check:

  • a list of current and next tasks to be performed
  • how much time they have already worked and how much time is left until the end of the shift
  • shouldn't they take a break?

Current research shows that all the functions already introduced have significantly increased the comfort and safety of work and contributed to increased efficiency. 

Currently, the smart card system covers all employees in the warehouse and most of those working in the office. After successful completion of the pilot, implementation in other locations is planned.

Due to the fact that the solution is in the research and development phase, the ROHLIG SUUS Logistics team is making every effort to improve Timate smart cards and supports TENVIRK in improving current functions.