ROHLIG SUUS Logistics focuses on international growth and opens first foreign warehouse in the Czech Republic

The largest Polish logistics operator is opening its first warehouse in the Czech Republic in the fourth quarter of this year. There is a growing demand for comprehensive logistics services on the Czech market which is why the company has chosen the south-eastern part of the country as its new location. Brno is the fifth branch of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics in the Czech Republic.
ROHLIG SUUS Logistics is a full-service logistics operator whose strategy emphasises diversification and international business development. One of the Group's leading foreign businesses is the Czech company which recorded a 56% increase in sales last year. Its range of services includes road, air, sea, rail and 4PL transport. The new investment will allow the portfolio to be expanded to include comprehensive contract logistics services, including, for example, in the case of e-commerce customers, fulfilment, Value Added Services, LCL handling and distribution of shipments to the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries.
- The position of the Czech Republic as an important logistics centre is constantly growing. The Czech Republic is also Poland's second key partner in terms of exports and goods turnover. The branch in Brno will increase our operational capacities and allow us to expand our range of services, which will have a significant impact on the future development of our network of international and domestic LCL transport and contract logistics in the region ─ said Jiri Chladek, Managing Director of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The company has been present on the Czech market since 2018. The new branch will be located at GLP Park Brno Holubice. Brno is characterised by its strategic location ─ it is a major local business centre with excellent transport links to Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. The facility will start to operate in Q4 2022. ROHLIG SUUS Logistics' warehouse space will amount to more than 8 000 m2.
Each of ROHLIG SUUS Logistics' new warehouse facilities fulfils the highest environmental standards and is BREEAM certified. Photovoltaic panels have been installed on the roofs of the Brno warehouse, and a special rainwater harvesting system will allow rainwater to be reused, among other things, for the purpose of caring for the greenery surrounding the facility. Chargers for electric cars will be available on the premises. Moreover, the company will use forklifts with lithium-ion batteries rather than acid batteries, which significantly increases safety for employees and the environment.
The Brno facility will create new jobs for around 30 employees.