Rohlig SUUS Logistics - industry leader in ‘transport, logistics, services’

We are the leader of the ‘transport, logistics, services’ sector according to the 18th edition of the ‘ESG Ranking. Responsible Management’, organised by Kozminski Business Hub in partnership with Deloitte and Rzeczpospolita.
‘ESG Ranking. Responsible Management’ is a new edition of the Ranking of Responsible Companies, which for many years has been a market-recognised barometer of the maturity of responsible management in the largest companies. It assesses companies' activities in the areas of environmental, social and governance. Participation in the ranking was a debut for SUUS, which makes it all the more gratifying that we were awarded first place in the industry comparison. Together with us on the podium were Kuehne Nagel in second place and Stena Recycling in third place.
Almost 150 companies expressed interest in participating in the ranking, but due to the complexity of the survey, only 70 of them sent in an application and as many as 80 did not take part in this year's edition. In the end, 62 companies qualified for the main ranking, with the Ergo Hestia Group taking first place in the general classification.
The ranking was created on the basis of the results in the area of responsible and sustainable management presented by the participants in the questionnaire and verified according to the methodology prepared by the authors - Prof. Bolesław Rok from Kozminski University and Jarosław Horodecki, ESG analyst. Each year, the content of the questionnaire is revised - adequately to the state of the market and the expectations of stakeholders. The preparation of the questionnaire involved a specially established ESG Ranking Scientific Council, composed of experts from Kozminski University and its partners Climate Leadership UNEP/GRID and the Responsible Business Forum.
According to the organisers, this year the difficulty level of the survey, which is the basis for the ranking, was very high, and the questions covered all areas related to ESG reporting. The survey made direct reference to the latest reporting guidelines under the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
This is the second award that SUUS has received in the last month, a few weeks earlier we received the White List awarded by the weekly magazine Polityka.
For the past two years, we have been working intensively to make ESG a pillar of all ROHLIG SUUS Logistics' business decisions. In March this year, we launched our ESG SUUStainability strategy, which, in addition to goals in the social and management areas, also includes decarbonisation targets endorsed by the international organisation SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative).
We are not slowing down and are persistently striving to be One Step Ahead on the sustainability journey.