Good practices in the "Responsible Business in Poland" report

Our good practices featured in the nationwide report "Responsible Business in Poland"! Did you know that 128 employees participated in the "I Know, I Understand, I Respect" program? As part of this initiative, office colleagues spent a day working alongside dispatchers or drivers. This hands-on experience fostered mutual understanding across different departments, as confirmed by the results of a follow-up survey.
Collaboration has also been key to our impact. Through our partnership with Mazovian StartUp, we supported ambitious startups making a positive difference in their communities. One idea stood out so much that we decided to take part in a pilot project—composters with earthworms were introduced in three of our offices: Warsaw, Wrocław, and Poznań. Our little co-workers, affectionately named Suusiki, not only thrived during the trial period but have now become a long-term part of our offices!
These are just two of the ten good practices featured in this year's edition of the Responsible Business Forum’s report, "Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices." Our initiatives were recognized across four categories: Human Rights, Workplace Practices, Environment, and Social Activities.
Human Rights
- Podcast "Break for Compliance" – A 10-episode series covering key compliance topics in an engaging way.
- Support for Ukraine – We continue to provide aid through transport services, material donations, and financial contributions.
Workplace Practices
- Work&Care Program – Promoting physical and mental well-being.
- Months of Prevention – Raising awareness of early detection and cancer prevention.
- "Safe Workplace" Competition – Organizing challenges that enhance warehouse safety.
- "I Know, I Understand, I Respect" – Strengthening interdepartmental understanding through shared work experiences.
- ECO Initiatives in Warehouses – Hosting educational campaigns and competitions in contract logistics.
- Eco-Friendly Facility Development – Constructing modern, sustainable logistics centers.
Social Activities
- Workshops for Employees’ Children with the Marek Kamiński Foundation – Helping children and young people build resilience and self-confidence.
- Partnership with Mazovian StartUp – Providing expert support and piloting Vernico composters in three Rohlig SUUS offices.
The "Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices" report was published on April 17, 2023. This year’s edition showcases 1,705 inspiring initiatives led by Polish businesses. The document also includes a summary of major responsible business events in Poland, a list of key Polish and global publications, as well as studies and press articles on CSR compiled by FOB.
We encourage you to read the full report!